Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mentos, Peeps, and Oobleck, OH MY!

Hands-down best way to get kids happy to learn science... EXPERIMENT!!!

The following experiments are fun and (relatively) safe.  I have included some YouTube links below.  These are some of my personal favorites. :)

Mentos... Get a test tube.  (Learning Express carries all kinds of science kits that aren't very expensive and have a test tube with them.)  Get mint-flavored Mentos.  Now, get a 2-liter bottle or two of soda... and GO OUTSIDE.  (Do not pass GO, do not collect $200... if you don't go outside to do this experiment, you will have yucky stuff all over your ceiling, walls, and floors.)  Finally, pour all the Mentos very quickly into your bottle of soda and BACK AWAY QUICKLY. :)  Have fun and be safe!!

The first video is the basic experiment.  The second video here is very spiffy.

You can go to this link to see very tongue-in-cheek experiments with Peeps... those marshmallow things for Easter, remember?  The following video shows in detail just what happens when you put them in a microwave.  I haven't tried these at home. Yet. :)

Finally, Oobleck!!  Have you read Bartholomew and the Oobleck, by Dr. Seuss?  Great story.  Great introduction to Oobleck.

Oobleck is simply cornstarch, water, and (usually green) food coloring.  Different sites have differing concentrations, but I like to use about 1 cup of cornstarch to 1/2 cup of water.  If it's still waaayy too thick, I'll add the water a few teaspoonsful at a time.  You don't want to be able to stir it easily, but it shouldn't be lumpy either.

Now, poke it.

If you've never played with oobleck before, I highly recommend it.  Please tell me what you think!!  I love introducing it to adults who've never seen it before.  It reminds me of watching a little kid in the bathtub or in the sandbox... they play with it, poke it, pour it, etc.  Have fun with it!!  And enjoy the two videos below... one is the standard experiment, and the second is... well... creepy?  Cool?  Wow!!

That's it!!  Enjoy these experiments, or do your own!!

Please note:  the JOY of science will be taken away should you feel the need to write up notes on your experiments.  Do these for the FUN of it.  That's the way to get your kids Loving to Learn Science!! :)